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The Founders
and Master Mackey

Belt Name: Chief Instructor of the London Black Belt Academy
Dan Grade: 5th Dan
Years Training: Started training in 1982, joint W.T.S.D.A. in 1988 until 1990, continued training with Master Nar until 2000 when Master Mackey left to form London Black Belt Academy (LBBA)
Master Kieran Mackey formed the London Black Belt Acadamy in 2001, after breaking away from the World Tang Soo Do association.
Master Mackey currently hold's the grade of 5th Dan and is the chief instructor at the LBBA.
The academy's formation was rooted in Newham, East London. Since then, due to popular demand, Master Mackey has opened 3 further clubs in Dagenham and Barking, he has also formed a strong alliance with Master John Tomlin's club in Beckton.
The academy has produced many talented martial artists over the years and Master Mackey has received praise from Grand Master Jae C Shin, the founder of the World Tang Soo Do Association, and Master S Nar, Chief Instructor of the European Tang Soo Do Federation for his continued dedication and perseverance to Tang Soo Do.
Master Mackey has been recognised by both Master Nar and Master Shin for his continued effort in bringing Tang So Doo to a wider audiance in london and the progress he has made as both a student and teacher.

Master Suresh Nar
Belt Name: Chief Instructor of the European Tang Soo Do Federation
Dan Grade: 7th Dan
Years Training: since 1977
Master Nar began his Tang Soo Do training at the age of 13.
Due to his dedication and perseverance, things began to change for him and through his efforts he became a successful competitor and coach.
He has personally trained over a hundred black belts and has trained six world championship winning teams.
" I wish to recognize master Mackey's outstanding achievements, through your dedication to this art you have become a person of honour, humility, respect and disipline.
You have proved yourself to be a leader, an outstanding student and trainer "

Belt Name: founder of the World Tang Soo Do Association
Dan Grade: Dan
Years Training: since 1948
Born in Korea in 1936, and began his long and distinguished career in martial arts at the age of twelve. During his childhood, an unknown monk initially inspired in him a strong desire to learn martial arts. Later, he joined Seoul Moo Duk Kwan central gym and began serious study under Grandmaster Hwang Kee, a founder of the Korean Moo Duk Kwan system.
" Master Mackey is the heart and soul of Tang Soo Do in London "

One of the most important figures in the Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do.
He was the founder of Soo Bahk Do and the school of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Born during the Japanese occupation of Korea, Hwang Kee first studied traditional Korean martial art Soo Bahk and Tae Kyun covertly as a young man. After high school he was hired by the railway company in Manchuria, China, where he studied Kung Fu under Master Yang Kuk Jin until 1937, when he was forced to return to Seoul, Korea, Between 1939 and 1945.
In 1945, grandmaster Hwang Kee formed his first school. Initially he titled his school Hwa Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, but changed the name to Tang Soo Mook Duk Kwan because Tang Soo (meaning "Chinese Hand") was more familiar to Koreans from their exposure to Japanese martial arts.
In 1957, Kee read the Muye Dobo Tongji. The Muye Dobo Tongji was a book commissioned in 1790 by King Jeongjo of Korea, which illustrated the Korean martial arts indigenous to the country. Hwang Kee incorporated these teachings into his Tang Soo Do discipline and named the art he created this way Soo Bahk Do. In 1960, the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association was incorporated and registered with the Korean government as a martial art. Grand master Kee died July 14, 2002 (aged 87)
One philosophy that Hwang included throughout his art was that no one could never reach perfection. This was visible in his decision to use the Midnight Blue Belt over the Black Belt and to never promote nor accept the rank of 10th dan. This was also due to the fact the Koreans thought of black as the color of death, but the midnight blue sky was limitless, just like the training and knowledge that one could practice in a lifetime.